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Thursday, 8 December 2011

Jerry Sandusky,s wife react to the Penn State scandal‎ Report

Sandusky originally from Chattanooga, Tennessee, married Jerry and together they adopted six children, some were adopted when they were just infants, others were older.

Dorothy ‘Dottie’ Gross Sandusky is mentioned in the 23-page Grand Jury indictment which graphically details the charges against the 67-year-old former Penn State coach.

Mrs Sandusky, 68, attempted to call one of the victims in the weeks leading up to his testimony, despite the fact the now 26-year-old had cut off all contact with Sandusky two years prior.

Dottie’s children once spoke about the opportunity their parents brought into their lives and future..

“My life changed when I came to live here. There were rules, there was discipline, there was caring. Dad put me on a workout program. He gave me someone to talk to, a father figure I never had. I have no idea where I’d be without him and Mom. I don’t even want to think about it. And they’ve helped so many kids besides me. “Who knows how any of us would’ve ended up if we hadn’t become Sanduskys.”

Dottie helped and support her husband throughout his 23 year at Penn State and with his work at Second Mile.

After we had taken in some foster children,” Dottie Sandusky told Sports Illustrated in 1982,

“we saw the opportunities that some kids just hadn’t had. But we’d gotten to the point where we couldn’t take in any more, so Jerry started thinking about starting a group home.” Said Dottie Sandusky.

Mrs. Sandusky is devasted about her husband’s sexual abuse scandal. Especially after it was reported some of the abuse her husband did on these poor children took place at their home in their basement,It is so sad that while many think of Jerry as a Saint, leader of linebackers, molder of men, for his work at the organization. It was at this same place where he picked his victims. He left the Second Mile last fall. Today he has been arrested and charged with 40 counts related to sexual abuse of young boys.

Whether Mrs Sandusky was worried by any such behaviour is not yet known. What is established is that she has been by Sandusky’s side since the mid-1960s, when they married. She met Sandusky in Washington a few years before. He endearingly called his wife ‘Sarge,’ because she was in charge in their home.

Just shy of seven years ago, my life and the lives of my two children were turned upside down. The man I had been married to for more than a decade had been arrested as a part of an FBI sting to bring down NAMBLA, the North American Man-Boy Love Association, an advocacy group for pedophiles that supports an “end to the extreme oppression of men and boys in mutually consensual relationships.” I was a well-educated, philanthropic, 39-year-old mother who, until recently, was living a charmed Dallas life, married to a well-liked dentist who had been living a lie for our entire relationship.
A former youth-ministry volunteer at a local church, an energetic volunteer at our kids’ elementary school, and a favorite at their Y-Guides outings, my ex-husband, Todd, turned out to be a criminal who brought tremendous harm, both physically and emotionally, to prepubescent boys. He was an “inner circle” member of NAMBLA—a member of its board of directors—wanted by the feds. Throughout our marriage, which ended in a confusing divorce shortly before the FBI swept in, I believed him when he said he was traveling to dental conventions—when in fact, he was attending pedophile conferences. He kept a secret mailbox at the local post office, where he received his pedophilia newsletters and other suspicious mail. We never found any proof of illegal Internet activities—his hard drive had been cleaned—except for a printed-out receipt for a porn video of young boys.

“I understand,” State College Detective Ronald Schreffler testified Sandusky said. “I was wrong. I wish I could get forgiveness. I know I won’t get it from you. I wish I were dead.”

Sandusky – who maintains he is innocent – has since been charged with 40 criminal counts, accusing him of molesting eight young boys between 1994 and 2009. Two PSU administrators who have since stepped aside have also been charged with failing to notify authorities of a 2002 incident reported by an eyewitness.

The 11-year-old was only identified as the former assistant football coach’s sixth alleged victim. In 1998, his mother tried to make Sandusky promise never to shower with a boy again, but he wouldn’t make that promise, Schreffler testified.

Tags : Joe PaternoPenn State UniversityJoe Paterno  Wrong MessageJerry SanduskyJoe Paterno misconductPenn State abuse story,  Sandusky Denies Charges,  Corbett Laconic StyleVictim's Mom Speaks Penn State considerDorothy Sandusky Call VictimSandusky,s wife and children   Penn State considerDorothy Sandusky Call VictimSandusky,s wife and children 

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